[已解決] iPhone 設備在 iOS 14 問題上不斷重啟

Last Updated: 2022-01-20

概要: The article below will show the best solutions to solve iPhone device keeps restarting issue on iOS 14 and recovering any accidentally lost files with Bitwar iPhone 檔案救援 軟件

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了解 iPhone 不斷重啟問題

Have you ever encountered an issue that your iPhone will keep on restarting without restarting it manually? Some iPhone users are having this trouble as their iPhone devices will reboot while they are accessing apps, cameras, call, messaging, or others.


“今天早上我在我的 iPhone 12 Pro Max 上輸入一條消息,然而,我的 iPhone 突然自動重啟,導致我在 iMessage 應用程序中丟失了我的消息。然後,當我查看我的 Instagram 提要時,它在下午再次發生。我能做些什麼來解決我的 iPhone 不斷重啟的問題?請幫助我防止任何進一步的數據丟失!”


修復 iPhone 設備的實用解決方案在 iOS 14 上不斷重啟


解決方案 1:刪除不需要的應用程序

When the restart issue is getting worse and worse, you will need to look for any faulty app that you had installed on your device and delete it because the faulty app can be incompatible with your iOS version and cause errors between the main contributor and iOS operating system.

解決方案 2:更新最新的 iOS 版本

An outdated iOS can cause multiple bug issues on iPhone which includes the iPhone keeps restarting issue, therefore check and installing any latest iOS update on your iPhone.

步驟1: Go to iPhone 設置

步驟2: Open the General menu.

步驟3: 選擇 軟件更新安裝最新的更新 如果有新的 iOS 更新。

software update

解決方案 3:重啟 iPhone 設備

當您第一次處理任何 iPhone 操作系統問題時,您可以先重新啟動設備以重新啟動操作系統。這是解決任何 iPhone 設備上任何小問題的最快方法。長按開機鍵並向右滑動關閉手機。然後再次按住相同的開機按鈕,等待 Apple 標誌打開您的 iPhone。

解決方案 4:重置 iPhone 設置

如果上述所有解決方案都無法解決 iPhone 不斷重啟的問題,您將需要重置所有 iPhone 設置以解決該問題。

步驟1: Open iPhone Settings 再次。

步驟2:選擇 General menu.

步驟3: Click Reset 並選擇 重置所有設置 來執行操作。

reset all settings

解決方案 5:更換 iPhone 電池

最後但並非最不重要的一點是,舊電池或有問題的電池可能是導致問題的因素。因此,您可以將您的 iPhone 送到最近的 iPhone 維修中心,並要求將您的 iPhone 電池更換為新電池並檢查它是否可以解決問題。

額外提示:從 iPhone 恢復丟失的文件不斷重啟

Just as we said from the beginning some users might lose their files because of iPhone restart or after performing the iPhone reset menu. Don’t worry, we will teach you how to recover the lost files from your iPhone by using the best iPhone data recovery 工具。

Bitwar iPhone 數據恢復軟件 is the best third-party recovery tool for iPhone because it is reliable and effective in restoring all file types such as Videos, Bookmark, Contacts, Photos, Calendars, Call logs, and others.

請按照以下步驟從 iPhone 恢復丟失的文件。

步驟1下載安裝 the software from Bitwar軟體下載中心

步驟2連接 your iPhone to the PC and Open the software.


步驟3: Choose the Files types 您要檢索並單擊 Start 掃描

file types

步驟4預覽 掃描結果並點擊 Recover to Computer 按鈕將丟失的文件恢復到您的 PC。



The next time you encounter the iPhone device keep restarting the issue on your device again, remember to solve the problem effectively by using the solutions above. Moreover, you can recover your important lost file from your iPhone by using Bitwar iPhone 檔案救援



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3 Steps to recover photos, videos, contacts, call logs, notes, messages, reminders and calendars, Safari bookmarks, etc. from iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.


