What’s New in Bitwar Data Recovery V6.1.0

Last Updated: 2020-07-23

릴리스 정보는 의 새로운 기능을 알려줍니다. Bitwar 데이터 복구 V6.1.0. As always, your feedback is warmly welcomed! You can send us an email to [email protected] if you find a bug or any suggestions for improvement.


  1. Optimized the Quick Scan algorithm.
  2. Updated software stability and improved user experience.
  3. 알려진 버그를 수정했습니다.

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평균 평점 0 배우1 5. 투표수: 0

지금까지 투표가 없습니다! 이 게시물을 가장 먼저 평가하십시오.

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What’s New in Bitwar Data Recovery V6.2.0 Release Notes tell you what’s new in Bitwar Data Recovery V6.1.0. As always, your feedback is warmly welcomed! You can...

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What’s New in Bitwar Data Recovery V6.0.2 Release Notes tell you what’s new in Bitwar Data Recovery V6.1.0. As always, your feedback is warmly welcomed! You can...

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