Einführung Tablet-Modus in Windows 11

Last Updated: 2021-09-29
Zusammenfassung: The article below will introduce the Table mode feature in Windows 11 operating system!

There is a useful feature in Windows 10 which is called the Tablet mode. When Windows user turn it on, it will change several changes to the user interface that allows Windows users to access like the operating system like a touch device. For example, when using your device with the tablet mode turned on, all apps and the File Explorer always open maximized.

Is there a Tablet mode in Windows 11?

Unfortunately users can’t access the Table Mode in Windows 11 because Microsoft has removed the Table mode from the latest Windows 11. Still, Windows 11 is capable of supporting other touch devices and tables.

Whenever you detach the keyboard from your table, Windows 11 will adjust to UI automatically and all the features of the original Table mode will be turned on together.

So users can’t turn on the Table mode manually and Windows 11 will optimized automatically to UI when the keyboard is detached. Therefore, Windows users can experience Table mode in Windows 10 only and no longer in Windows 11.

How to Turn On the Tablet Mode on Windows 11?

As we had mentioned earlier, Tablet mode feature is not available on Windows 11, so there is no other way to turn it on or off. However, Windows 11 will make several changes to the UI once it detects that it is installed on a touch-enabled device or when the keyboard is detached from the table computer.

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