컴퓨터에서 Word를 이미지로 변환하는 방법

Last Updated: 2022-05-04

개요: While Microsoft Word documents are compatible with other word processors, there may be times when you need to save them as JPG or GIF images. The article below will teach users how to convert Word to Image on the computer with the help of Bitwar PDF 변환기!

WIN 버전

There are many reasons users will need to convert Word to Image on the computer, but they are finding hard times converting the Word files. Moreover, Microsoft Word allows users to Save as Word as Txt, PDF, Docx, and others only but not JPEG or PNG.

Convert Word to Image

놓치지 마세요: Windows에서 최고의 무료 온라인 PDF 변환기!

Don’t worry as the article below will show the best alternative way for users to convert Word to Image files easily by using 워드-이미지 변환기 소프트웨어!

워드-이미지 변환기 소프트웨어

Bitwar PDF Converter

First of all, users need to save the Word file as PDF format first through the 파일 > 다른 이름으로 저장 option in Microsoft Word, or users also can use PDF 변환기 변환 워드를 PDF로 를 사용하여 PDF 변환 도구.

그런 다음 선택 PDF를 이미지로 새 PDF 파일을 PDF 변환기. Users can select the preferred image formats to convert, such as PNG, JPG, BMP, GIF, and TIF. Suppose that, the Word files are stored in the cloud storage, users need to import them from Google Drive or Dropbox and upload it to the computer.

After importing the document, follow the steps mentioned above to convert Word to JPG and the new JPG file will be ready for use in just a few minutes!

추가 팁 – 한 단어 페이지만 변환

Split PDF

In case some users want to convert one page only, it can be troublesome for them to split and edit the Word files again. So the easiest way to solve this is by using the PDF 분할 PDF 변환기의 도구.

  1. Firstly, follow the guided step above and save the Word document as a PDF.
  2. Then, choose the Split/Rotate PDF 도구 Bitwar PDF 변환기 and upload the PDF file.bitwar pdf converter-split rotate pdf
  3. Select which page you want to split and click 개 심자 the Split the PDF pages.
  4. Lastly, choose the same PDF To Image PDF를 이미지로 효율적으로 변환하는 도구!bitwar pdf converter-word to image

지금 트릭을 알아보십시오!

Word를 이미지로 변환하는 가장 효율적인 방법은 다음을 사용하는 것입니다. 워드-이미지 변환기 mentioned above. It is very reliable and functional for all-purpose, especially when you want to convert Word to PDF, PDF to Image, Word to JPG, Word to PNG, or vice versa. Try it now!

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Bitwar PDF 변환기 정보

클릭 한 번으로 PDF를 Word, Excel, PPT, 이미지 등으로 일괄 상호 변환하거나 PDF 파일을 잠금/잠금 해제, 분할, 회전, 압축, 병합할 수 있습니다.

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