Get Started the Bitwar Data Recovery

Last Updated: 2021-09-26

Résumé: This user guide will allow users to learn the details about the Installation, and the interface of Bitwar Data Recovery Software.

Video Tutorial

Télécharger des logiciels

Go to the Software Official Download Page and download Bitwar Data Recovery Software for Win Version.

Installation du logiciel

1. Double-click the Bitwar Setup and start the installation.

2. Choose the Default Language and click D'ACCORD.


3. Setup will start, continue with Suivant to the License Agreement.


3. Read through the License Agreement. Then, finished with Je suis d'accord.

I agree

4. A warning message will show “Do NOT install the data recovery software onto the drive or partition that you want to recover them.” and press D'ACCORD.

Do not install

5. Browse the Destination Folder for the software.

Destination Folder

6. Finally, click Installer and Finish to complete the installation.


Apprenez à connaître l'interface du logiciel

The main interface of Récupération de données bitwar Software is easy-to-use and well-designed for all users to use.

main interface

Software Buttons

Here are the buttons and icons that users will encounter in Bitwar Data Recovery Software:

Software Interface

For the next step about the two recovery modes, click on the link:

Get Familiar With the Two Recovery Modes

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