An Introduction To Internet Protocol Suite

Last Updated: 2020-10-29

Resumo: The Internet protocol suite is a conceptual network model and a set of communications protocols. Today, this article will offer you a general introduction to the Internet protocol suite.

Description Of Internet protocol suite

The Internet protocol suite is also known as IP/TCP because the suite’s underlying protocols are the Internet Protocol (IP) and the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). It is used on the Internet as well as similar computer networks.

The Internet protocol suite offers end-to-end data communication that specifies how data should be grouped, addressed, transmitted, routed, and received. This feature is divided into four abstraction layers, which classify all related protocols according to the networking scope.

The IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) maintains the technical standards on which the Internet Protocol Suite and its composition protocols are based.

Layers Of Internet protocol suite

The Internet protocol suite occupies the middle five layers of the 7-layer open system interconnect model.

Its layered scheme combines multiple OSI layers. The TCP/IP stack packages the transport layer and network layer (OSI layer 3).

The Internet protocol suite supports end-to-end data communications, including four abstraction layers. Here list the four layers from lowest to highest:

  • The link layerthis layer contains communication methods for data remaining in a single network segment (link).
  • The Internet layer: This layer provides internetwork between independent networks.
  • The transport layer: It handles host-to-host communication.
  • The application layer: This layer provides the process-to-process data exchange for applications.

Main Protocols Of the Internet Protocol Suite

Internet Protocol (IP)

The Internet protocol is the primary communication protocol for the Internet protocol suite and is typically used to reply to data reports across network boundaries. IP routing feature makes the Internet work possible, and then the Internet is established.

IP sends packets from the source host to the destination host based on the packet headers’ IP addresses. Given this fact, IP defines packets structures sealing the data to be sent.

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

The transmission control protocol is also one of the primary protocols for the Internet Protocol Suite. Its development began with the initial network for the implementation of Internet protocols.

TCP provides an orderly, reliable, and error-checked eight-bit stream of applications running on the host.

The TCP is a connection between the client and server, built before data can be sent. However, the server must listen for connection requests from the client before establishing the connection.

Final Words!

To some extent, the Internet Protocol Suite is complex. But after reading this article, you’ll have a general understanding.


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