Cara Memperbaiki iPad Dan iPhone Tidak Mengisi Masalah Dengan Benar

Last Updated: 2022-08-25

Hardware or software failure can cause the iPad and iPhone to not charge properly. So if you find there are any issues with your battery or charging port, you will need to solve them immediately to prevent any worse internal damage to your apple devices.

Perbaikan Efektif di iPad & iPhone Tidak Mengisi Daya

What do I do if my phone charger is plugged in but not charging iPhone? Here, we will show you a few useful tips to fix the device’s not charging issue.

Perbaiki 1: Kabel USB Resmi Apple atau Adaptor Daya

Make sure you are always using the official Apple USB cable or power adapter all the time when you are charging your Apple devices because an unofficial USB cable or power adapter can contribute to an improper charging connection.

Perbaiki 2: Ubah Kabel USB atau Port USB yang Berbeda

Suppose that you are using the official Apple cable and port but it still not charging, then change the cable and port because they are broken or have connection issues.

Perbaiki 3: Beralih Outlet

Ini sama dengan perbaikan dua di mana itu mungkin masalah outlet, jadi perlu untuk mengisi daya perangkat Anda dengan outlet yang berbeda. Rekomendasi terbaik adalah menggunakan stopkontak untuk pengisian USB.

Perbaiki 4: Paksa Mulai Ulang

If there are any technical or hardware issues, force restart is always the most effective and fastest to solve the issue, which includes the issue iPhone not charging when plugged in. Long press the power on button and slide right to restart the device. Finally, hold the same power-on button until the Apple logo appears on the screen.

Perbaiki 5: Bantuan Pelanggan Apple

Sayangnya, semua perbaikan di atas tidak cukup membantu untuk menyelesaikan masalah pengisian daya iPad dan iPhone, Anda harus mengirim perangkat ke pusat Apple terdekat untuk mencari bantuan teknis!

Pelajari Triknya!

Whenever you are facing the iPhone or iPad not charging properly problem, always remember to solve it as soon as possible by referring to the fixes above because the charging issue will lead to more troublesome technical issues.

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